' Motherhood In My Mom's Words

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Motherhood In My Mom's Words

Motherhood In My Mom's Words

Motherhood is about pride, patience, wisdom and always a sense of humor.  When we have our first born, we wonder how we will cope? If lucky, we gather the sage and compassionate women who have “been there, done that” as our guides. We learn what to expect and what to avoid; what to celebrate, what to worry about and how to respond to it all. We become jugglers and mentors, schedulers and consolers. We can hopefully lead by good example and be compassionate when our children need to be steered back on the path. All we know is that this little dear gives us unconditional purpose and love and all that they expect is that we give it in return.


Being a mother is an incredible part of life’s journey. Being a grandmother is something unimaginably different. This skip-a-generation relationship has different meaning and emphasis. When your child has a child, it is beyond words. Staring into this tiny face that you hold near, it’s like looking into the past and the future at the same time. What has been for generations and what the future has in store for this wonderful new life are mapped out in front of you. Although there is room for being didactic, it’s more about good, plain fun. 


I am filled with joy by my children and grandchildren and hope to someday enjoy great-grands. I am also proud of the symbols of the love I share with all of them, the HAVERHILL birthstone jewelry that I never take off. 


 Happy Mother’s Day,


Deborah Leach


Photo by Roxanne Bryant